Peiwen Ji
BDes (HONS) Graphic Design
How to help Pica patients?
Pica patients usually have mental and physical problems at the same time. Children are the most vulnerable group.
This project tries to show how to help patients and how to let more people pay more attention to this group by visual communication.

Poster design

The zine shows patients with pica who often exhibit two extremely behaviours.

The guideline that could help the audience to understand the design.

I designed a set of font called ‘Annular Eclipse’. As the moon changes everyday, it is also like the characteristics of children with pica. Then I printed them as stickers, children can stick them anywhere they want.

The lightbox is designed for a visualization acid stomach acid, then combined with the font to beautify the pain.

My grandmother was a pica patient when she was a child. These two posters are telling her story.

The inspiration of this poster is from the raster card. It is a good way to show two extremely different behaviours of pica children. It has two views in different angles.

The two posters tells about a child with pica who is always against, then he tries to cure himself in several ways.

Whole exhibition design