BDes (Hons) Graphic Design Applicant Guidelines
Advice and portfolio guidance on how to apply to our BDes (Hons) Graphic Design Programme.
The Graphic Design programme at Edinburgh Napier emphasises the importance of ideas and originality of content as key elements and the fundamental cornerstone of the graphic design process. We encourage creativity, integrity, social and ethical responsibility and a sense of challenge in the work undertaken.
The course will expose you to design in its broadest sense, including media, motion and spatial applications, and you'll study and create work that transcends the 2D format.
You'll gain the skills you need to successfully operate as a professional graphic designer, learning and developing expertise in techniques ranging from the traditional to the cutting-edge and experimental, all underpinned by deepening levels of conceptual and critical thinking. You'll learn how to develop unique design ideas, establish rigorous design processes, deal with complex design issues, make informed judgements and communicate conclusions clearly to a professional audience.
This is a full-time course studied over four years. You'll learn by a variety of teaching methods including lectures, tutorials, workshop sessions and independent study.
During this time you'll gain an understanding of the creative economy and professional design practice. Throughout your studies you’ll have opportunities to work on live projects, to undertake a work placement, and to benefit from lectures and workshops run by members of our supportive network of industry practitioners. These practical experiences provide the opportunity not only to engage with current graphic design practice but also to build your own network of contacts.
Throughout the course there are also opportunities for international experiences. We work on projects with international clients and collaborators around the world, and also organise annual study trips to explore the graphic design culture in a different European destination each year. And you’ll have the opportunity to apply to study abroad at one of our partner universities for a trimester in year 3.
In the final year you'll devise your major project, articulating an individual design philosophy and further enhancing your subject specific skills and knowledge. You can explore the outcomes of these projects here on for our graduates from 2021 and 2022.
About Graphic Design at Edinburgh Napier
Past Student Project
You can apply for a place on the programme in the normal way through UCAS (for more information on the application process on the Edinburgh Napier website click here). Once you’ve submitted your UCAS application we will ask you to submit a portfolio showing us your best creative work so far. Of course we don’t expect you to be a graphic designer yet, that’s what you’ll learn when you’re here! What we are looking for is some evidence of your interest in graphic design, and potential in your skills, talent passion creativity and enthusiasm. Your portfolio is your opportunity to share this with us.
You’ll find lots of advice about how to prepare your portfolio lower down this page. This is only guidance to help you if you’re unsure. If you have a portfolio made up that you’re already happy with, we’d love to see that, even if it doesn’t strictly follow the guidelines below (although it’s still a good idea to look at our advice!) The main thing is to get all the creative work that you’re most proud of together and send it to us as soon as you can.
What happens once you’ve sent us your portfolio? Unfortunately we do only have a limited number spaces on the course, so we use the portfolios to help us decide who we will make offers to. We spend time looking through each portfolio sent to us and will decide whether we either make you an immediate offer, or invite you to an interview. If we do make you an offer we will invite you to an offer-holder day to help you decide whether you will accept our offer and join us on the course. This day will give you the chance to come in and see all our facilities, ask any questions you may have, and get a taste of what it’s like to be a student on the programme.
How to Apply
2022 Degree Show Projects
Our standard entry requirement at SQA Higher is BBBC including one of: Art and Design, Design and Manufacture, or Daydream Believers Level 6 Creative Thinking at grade B. (We love Daydream Believers!)
Full details of our entry requirements (College, A-Level, International etc.) can be found on the Edinburgh Napier website here.
However, we do welcome applicants from all kinds of backgrounds, and if you have an unusual set of prior qualifications or experience please contact to find out if we may still be able to consider your application.
Photo of graphic design studio
Portfolio Guidance
Portfolio Content
As a guide, your portfolio should present 5 separate ‘projects’, over a maximum of 15 pages.
For each project you could include:
one page presenting the final outcome of the project
a second page of development/sketches/alternative ideas
and a third page showing your inspiration behind your approach to the work: this could be the work of other designers and artists, or simply observations gathered from the everyday world around you
Remember, your aim is to showcase your skills, talents and creativity, so make sure you include your best work, showing us how you explored your ideas, developed and finalised your response. Your projects can include any creative work you are proud of and want to show us. We would love to see a reflection of your personality and interests going beyond the usual School/College projects. More than anything we want to see your passion for visual culture and graphic design!
Portfolio Submission
Please send us your portfolio as a single PDF file either through email or through an online file transfer site (dropbox, onedrive, wetransfer etc.)
Please state clearly in your email, your full name, UCAS personal ID number, the name of the course – BDes(Hons) Graphic Design, and whether you are applying for entry to year 1 or for advanced entry (for those students holding prior qualifications).
You can create a PDF using design software, or using PowerPoint or other widely available desktop applications. Please make sure that your images are of a large enough size and high enough quality that we can clearly see the work. If you wish to email your PDF the file will need to be smaller than 25MB.
Files should be named clearly with your full name, and UCAS ID Number like this:
Adam Smith 123-456-7890.pdf
Good Luck! We look forward to seeing your portfolio.
Previous Examples
Hear from current students about what they included in their applicant portfolio.
More past examples

Find out more about the course and apply through the official Napier site.
Follow the course Instagram to stay up to date with work from our current students!